What does it mean to be The Preferred Source? To Hallett Materials, it means creating innovative products and solutions. It means safely building projects of the highest quality. It means developing and training employees. It means quality and timely delivery with every load of material. It means supporting and giving back to the community. In short, it means award-winning safety, quality, service, and innovation.

Hoveland Sand & Gravel
Environmental Excellence - Bronze

Booneville West Sand & Gravel
Environmental Excellence - Bronze

Booneville Pit
WHC Best Landscaped Project
A team of volunteers created the pollinator garden in 2018. It features more than 20 native plant species for pollinators, including anise hyssop, lance leaf coreopsis, wild bergamot, and stiff goldenrod. More than 65 types of pollinators have been spotted in the garden. Since the monarch populations have been in a steady decline throughout the Midwest, the team planted two species of milkweed, which the butterflies need to lay their eggs on.